Thank you for reading and for the ever-thoughtful note. While it may be nice to do-away with jealousy altogether, that it is, as you said, foreign and unnecessary, I think most of us have such deep cultural and societal imprinting in our brains that it would be hard to “un-condition” ourselves away from jealousy without a high-level of mindfulness training and awareness.
I also love examining things through the lens of evolution, but I think it’s equally important to note that we also no longer live in this “natural” world, and sometimes we need unnatural solutions to solve for unnatural problems. Perhaps jealousy is an unnatural problem or perhaps it’s more natural than we presume. It makes sense that even our primal ancestors would have felt this emotion whenever there was a threat to the passing down and survival of their genes. Sure, societal and cultural progress may have played up jealousy in the last several centuries but I think for many, an awareness of jealousy and using it as a tool for reflection and fuel for sex could be the stepping stone to moving beyond it and to eventually experiencing the kind of relationship you have with your husband and lover.